Monday, February 21, 2011

First session with personal trainer... and I didn't die!!

I knew I was suppose to meet with my personal trainer Mr. Joe yesterday around 1:30 and I was not looking forward to it! All morning I thought "Oh my gosh... I don't want to do this... I don't want to sweat... this isn't going to fun!" I kept telling my mom and sister how he was going to kill in the gym. Basically a lot of complaining. My mom reasurred me that I was doing this for a reason and it was very good for me. I do understand that but it doesn't mean I have to like it! Well Mr Joe emailed and pushed back the time to 2 instead. Of course thats ok! It just gives me more time to complain!

So I met Mr. Joe at LAFitness. We went in and got straight on the elliptical to get my heart pumping. We just did 5 minutes- thank GOD! He was right there on his own machine and did it with me.Then we went to the empty aerobics room. I was a little embarrassed because of all the mirrors in the room . I felt self conscience and didn't want everyone staring at me but I sucked it up! We got started. He told me for the first 2 weeks we would not use any weights. (Just the weight of my fat ass.) Ok he didn't say the last part I did but it makes sence. The weight of my very heavy body doing things I probably have never done is going to create plenty of resistence on my muscles. We worked with a medicine ball and did some simple moves but I could feel them working right away. He made me do lunges back and forth across the room. Then I was told to get my heart pumping hard again I need to punch the punching bag. I told him "Just so you know I don't punch things." He said that now was a good time to start. So I hit the bag for 60 seconds. I felt pretty silly but I did it. I did some more lunges and wanted to die. Then we went out to the main gym to where the free weights are and he had me do some push ups on this bar at an angle. It was not easy. Right next to it was a bench press type thing and he had me do some pulls up but I had to keep my butt off the bench. That was even harder. Back to the aerobics room for more punching. I couldn't really punch any more so a slapped the bag. I felt more silly slapping a damn punching bag but whos watching right? Some more with the medicine ball and some stuff on the mat and we were done. We headed up to the tredmills to do a cool down for 5 minutes. He said most likely I would be cursing him the next morning.

Well it is the next morning and I'm not cursing him. I mean I am sore but not as sore as I thought I would be. I actually feel like this soreness means something. So I will take it where it proudly so to speak. I accomplished something. I have a long road ahead of me. But I AM PUSHING THROUGH.  One day I'll be able to say I used to be the LAZY FAT girl !!

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