Thursday, April 21, 2011

As Lent comes to an end...Sweets become a temptation again!!

Being a bigger gal most of my life, I have eaten A LOT  of foods. Generally I didn't care about what I ate because it was so delicious. The calories in the food did not matter to me. I'd eat salty foods like bags of kettle cooked chips or large french fries from McDonald's. I'd eat sweets like they were going out of style! Doughnuts for breakfast, then candy with lunch, and then a tub of ice cream as dessert after dinner. As an adult approaching a time in her life where this weight needs to come off or else.  I've chosen to be on this life style change we call Weight Watchers. They promote all the time not to deprive ourselves because that can cause problems later. This time around I have tried not to deprive myself at all but its hard. I'd see my husband, who can eat whatever the hell he wants and not gain an ounce, eat a huge slice of cake after dinner and of course I couldn't have that! I would fix a little,tiny sliver of cake. Just as tasty right? I would have ice cream when I wanted it and buy a candy bar to split with hubby but I felt like I would "save" points for those empty calories too often. When it came time for me to give something up for Lent it was a no brainer. I've given up soda before when I was hooked on regular mountain dew. It was difficult but I wasn't on a "diet" then so I could fill my craving for something sweet with whatever I wanted. Now if I gave up sweets that was it. It was a little difficult in the beginning because sugar was the thing I turned to when I was happy or sad or bored. Shortly after Lent began though it got easier. I didn't think about the sweets as much anymore, When my 8 year old niece had her birthday on April 10th, the fact that EVERYONE got to eat cake did not bother me in the least. The closer it gets to Easter I've been thinking about what I'm going to eat just because I can. My list seems to be growing fast. I need to stay focused on what my goals are. Maybe I should limit my sweet intake to a number. Like 2 pieces of chocolate or something like that. I don't want to old habits to rush back and ruin how far I've come.

No word from the pt since he went on vacation. I sent him an email telling him I did not do the workouts like he asked me to do while he was gone. I haven't gotten anything back yet. I assume he's just busy getting back to the grind. I would like to hear something though like the plan for the week ahead. I feel like this is going to be an awesome week on the scale. Even though I have not been to the gym I know I will be down. If I have any faith in this life style change I know I will be down. I followed the plan perfectly. I got my recommended fruits/veggies, milks, oils and liquids. I have very high hopes for Saturday morning! :)

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